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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here is my Happy Deal.

This is the best deal I have seen in a while. If you are anything like me you are always looking for ways to get rid of the clothes your child has out grown, and get ones that will fit. I am always taking my clothes to the second hand store Twice As Nice. I will take in 3 boxes of clothes and after they sort through them I will walk out with $10.00 in store credit and 2 of the 3 boxes. So I still have not gotten rid of all those clothes. Well it looks like I have found a new way.

ThredUP is offering free kids clothes and promo code for WalletPop

ThreadUP, the online clothing swap shop WalletPop covered last year, is launching the "seeding phase" of its kid-sized style solution. No hemming or letting out seams required. Instead, ThredUP will enable parents to facilitate equitable clothing trades online. Members will list outgrown clothes (in good condition) in exchange for sizes and styles they need. Does junior need ski pants? Just ask. Do perfectly good clothes crowd closets and drawers? Box 'em up and ship 'em out. Starting now, beta users can earn a swap on the site for free.

s a result, ThredUP is conducting a 1,000 box countdown. Once the site has logged at least 1.000 entries, they will officially launch. Each person who contributes one of the first 1,000 entries, or "boxes," will earn a credit on equal to the price of one swap ($13). Free clothes! Motivated moms and dads who upload descriptions for five "boxes" worth of clothing will also earn a six-month ThredUP Pro membership valued at $20. Those participating in the beta launch will also have first dibs on getting started. WalletPop readers can use promo code WALLETPOP.

All of this information is available on the walletpop web site. All you need to do is click here to get there.


  1. That really is a "happy" meal, oops, I mean deal! Glad I found you through Friday Follow. See you tomorrow for a big announcement.

  2. Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog

  3. what a cool idea!

    following back from last friday - thanks for following :)
