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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform.

I really do believe this is a very important subject since my child is at the doctors almost weekly if not more than once a week. I do not know what many of you may feel about it. I for one am very saddened by it passing on the abortion side only because I know that if the doctors had done their genetic testing on my daughter I would have been pressured to have an abortion. I do not know that I could have ever done that since she is the love of my life. I do know that there are times that she is in pain and that she suffers but she is a very happy child all around. You can see it in her eyes daily. Now it will be so easy for parents to go for that perfect child. If they know that something is wrong with their child they can now have the government pay for that abortion.

Now on to something that does not involve my beliefs because I do not want to push them onto you. I am still confused where this will leave those with incurable diseases and disorders will they just be left behind now? Please if you have an opinion no matter what it is agreement or disagreement with the passing of this bill weigh in. I really would like to know what each and every one of you think.

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  1. Hi, I am your latest follower!!! I will be digging into archives right away, seems like an interesting blog.

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